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Trish Stephens
Nov 20, 20204 min read
Friluftsliv! No, that is not a spelling mistake. Nor does it refer to a sneeze.
This year more than any, Friluftsliv (pronounced "free-luftz-leev") may hold the key to our experience of winter. Going into our eighth...

Trish Stephens
Oct 22, 20195 min read
Trauma Explained
We have all heard of the word trauma in one context or another. You may have heard it in casual conversation, where someone says: “And...

Trish Stephens
Aug 13, 20191 min read
Video: What Is CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy aims to consciously interrupt and alter one's thoughts, behaviours, or feelings ...

Trish Stephens
Jul 25, 20191 min read
Video: Effective Trauma Treatment with EMDR
Bessel van der Kolk, one of the leading and most experienced trauma therapists on the planet, discusses his experiences using EMDR...

Trish Stephens
Jul 9, 20191 min read
What Does EMDR Therapy Entail?
Since there are not a large number of psychotherapists or psychologists in Ottawa, ON who are trained in EMDR therapy, it would not be...

Trish Stephens
Jun 25, 20191 min read
Video: What Is EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)?
While originally developed to help trauma survivors cope and make sense of their experiences, EMDR therapy is now applicable to ...

Trish Stephens
May 21, 20193 min read
Burnout - Part 2 (aka. And How to Avoid the Dumpster Fire)
In Burnout - Part 1, I explain what the term "burnout" means, and what it may feel like if you are experiencing it in your life. ...

Trish Stephens
May 21, 20193 min read
Burnout - Part 1 (aka. What Is This Painful Affliction?)
Whether it comes from a friend, a colleague, or ourselves, we have all heard the words "burned out" in every day conversations. By the...

Trish Stephens
May 2, 20191 min read
Video: Social Media & Mental Health
Ever wonder how social media affects your mental health? In this short video, Canada's recently named Top 100 Most Powerful Women, Bailey...

Trish Stephens
Mar 14, 20193 min read
The Power of Self-Talk
Each and every one of us has the freedom to say things to ourselves, things that no one else can hear. The question is: How well do we...

Trish Stephens
Jan 14, 20191 min read
Video: What Is Depression?
This quick 4 minute video tackles the complex question: What Is Depression? In short: The feeling of depression is an emotion, mainly...

Trish Stephens
Dec 13, 20181 min read
I Am Still Me
Struggles with mental health can make us feel anything but ourselves. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, stress, grief, addiction, trauma,...

Trish Stephens
Dec 5, 20181 min read
Video: Set your fears, not your goals.
We have all heard about the benefits of goal setting - having a clear focus, optimizing time and resources - but have you ever heard...

Trish Stephens
Oct 1, 20184 min read
8 Signs of Bullying
Now that the school year has begun, there is excitement in the air. But, as most of us have experienced in our lives, there can be...

Trish Stephens
Sep 12, 20181 min read
Video: Emotional Courage
"Life's beauty, is inseparable from it's fragility". In the following video, Harvard psychologist Susan David discusses emotional courage....

Trish Stephens
Sep 10, 20183 min read
Happy New Year! ... In September?
Have you ever noticed how the month of September brings a sense of renewal and vitality to a lot of people? During our formative years,...

Trish Stephens
Aug 25, 20185 min read
Beware of “ANTs”: Negative Thinking Patterns Could Be Affecting Your Mental Health.
Have you ever been stuck in traffic and thought, “The rest of my day is going to be totally ruined now.”? If someone cuts in front of you...

Trish Stephens
Jul 17, 20181 min read
Video: Introduction to Mindfulness
Mindfulness is often described as: "paying attention, on purpose". If you do not find that description very helpful, you are not alone. ...

Trish Stephens
Jun 14, 20183 min read
Depression in Summer?
Did you know that Summer time can act as a trigger for depression? While many people associate a downturn in mood to the darker and...
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